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Our collection has a new look!

Our collection has a new look !
To make your search easier, we built a new version of the larger collection that gathers the literature about Rolfing in only one location.

A tribute to Dr. Ida Pauline Rolf and to all of those that contributed to the continuity of her legacy.

Check what Pedro Prado, the curator of this collection, shares with us about the intention of this project!

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CAPA DIRI_Journal_November_2023_Interactive

Structure. Function. Integration – November 2023 / Vol. 51, No. 3

PRADO, Pedro
Medical Doctor Certified Advanced Rolfer® Swiss Society for Structural Integration (SGSI)1 Licensed
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CAPA DIRI_Journal_November_2023_Interactive

Structure. Function. Integration – November 2023 / Vol. 51, No. 3

WANG, Tina J.
ABSTRACT Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Tina Wang discusses her appreciation for the profession of structural integration for putting fascia research on the map in this article with Rolfer® Lu Muller-Kaul. As a medical doctor also practicing manual therapy, Wang has had a first-person view of fascia research and manipulation going from obscurity to more mainstream medical domains. She offers her insights as an expert dealing with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and hypermobility spectrum disorders.
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CAPA DIRI_Journal_November_2022_INTERACTIVE

Structure, Function, Integration – Nov 2022/ Vol. 50, No. 3

ABSTRACT Just like the ease that a person experiences when standing on their ‘Line’, as Dr. Ida Rolf described, people move with ease when they apply the wisdom of the tonic function model, as retired, French Rolf Movement Instructor Hubert Godard has described. In this article, Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® faculty member, Per Haaland, reviews his own path learning, practicing, and teaching Godard’s tonic function model from workshops with Godard himself, as well as a mentorship with Rolf Movement Instructor Kevin Frank.
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